Wrongful Death
Not everyone can file a wrongful death claim in Texas.
The loss of a loved one is always devastating. When someone dies due to the careless act of another person, it is defined as a wrongful death. When a wrongful death occurs, the family of the deceased may be entitled to monetary compensation. Texas law mandates that in order to file a claim of wrongful death, it must meet one of these criteria:
You are the surviving spouse of the deceased
You are a surviving child of the deceased
You are the surviving father of the deceased
You are a legally adopted child of the deceased
You are the surviving adoptive father of the deceased
You are the administrator of the deceased's estate
The time limit for filing a claim of wrongful death in Texas, or Statute of Limitations, is two years from the person's date of death. Wrongful death cases can be factually complex and difficult to navigate, so If you plan on filing a claim, it's a good idea to hire an attorney. The attorneys at Trujillo-Gonzalez have the experience to help you navigate the challenges that these cases present and determine any potential compensation for your loss. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.